Monthly Archive: May 2019


It is possible for an attacker with regular user access to the web application of Pydio through 8.2.2 to trick an administrator user into opening a link shared through the application, that in turn...


The ImageMagick plugin that is installed by default in Pydio through 8.2.2 does not perform the appropriate validation and sanitization of user supplied input in the plugin’s configuration options, allowing arbitrary shell commands to...


A stored XSS vulnerability exists in the web application of Pydio through 8.2.2 that can be exploited by levering the file upload and file preview features of the application. An authenticated attacker can upload...


The "action" get_sess_id in the web application of Pydio through 8.2.2 discloses the session cookie value in the response body, enabling scripts to get access to its value. This identifier can be reused by...


A local privilege escalation in Fortinet FortiClient for Windows 6.0.4 and earlier allows attackers to execute unauthorized code or commands via the named pipe responsible for Forticlient updates. Date published : 2019-05-30


In Apache Hadoop versions 3.0.0-alpha1 to 3.1.0, 2.9.0 to 2.9.1, and 2.2.0 to 2.8.4, a user who can escalate to yarn user can possibly run arbitrary commands as root user. Date published : 2019-05-30...


An exploitable local privilege elevation vulnerability exists in the file system permissions of the `Temp` directory in GOG Galaxy (Windows 64-bit Installer). An attacker can overwrite executables of the Desktop Galaxy Updater to...


An unhandled exception vulnerability exists during Google Sign-In with Google API C++ Client before 2019-04-10. It potentially causes an outage of third-party services that were not designed to recover from exceptions. On the client,...