Tagged: Cybersecurity Alert


modules/Users/models/Module.php in Vtiger CRM 7.5.0 allows a remote authenticated attacker to run arbitrary PHP code because an unprotected endpoint allows them to write this code to the config.inc.php file (executed on every page load)....


A Privilege Escalation issue in the inter-process communication procedure from GOG Galaxy (Beta) through v2.0.71.2 allows authentictaed users to change the DACL of arbitrary system directories to include Everyone full control permissions by...


An issue exists in GalaxyClientService.exe in GOG Galaxy (Beta) through that could allow authenticated users to overwrite and corrupt critical system files via a combination of an NTFS Junction and an RPC...


EMS SQL Manager 3.6.2 (build 55333) for Oracle allows DLL hijacking: a user can trigger the execution of arbitrary code every time the product is executed. Date published : 2024-04-29 CVE-2023-51710


IEIT NF5280M6 UEFI firmware through 8.4 has a pool overflow vulnerability, caused by improper use of the gRT->GetVariable() function. Attackers with access to local NVRAM variables can exploit this by modifying these variables on...


Buffer Overflow vulnerability in osrg gobgp commit 419c50dfac578daa4d11256904d0dc182f1a9b22 allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service via the handlingError function in pkg/server/fsm.go. Date published : 2024-04-29 https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/issues/2725