Monthly Archive: December 2019


In the Linux kernel 5.0.0-rc7 (as distributed in ubuntu/linux.git on, mounting a crafted f2fs filesystem image and performing some operations can lead to slab-out-of-bounds read access in ttm_put_pages in drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_page_alloc.c. This is related...


_account_forgot_password.ajax.php in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 displays a message indicating whether an email address is configured for the account name provided. This can be used by an attacker to enumerate accounts by guessing...


_account_forgot_password.ajax.php in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 takes a different amount of time to return depending on whether an email address is configured for the account name provided. This can be used by an...


log_file_viewer.php in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 does not sanitize or encode the output from the lFile parameter on the page, which would allow an attacker to input HTML or execute scripts on the...


MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 does not set the SameSite flag on session cookies, allowing the cookie to be sent in cross-site requests and potentially be used in cross-site request forgery attacks. Date published...


MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 does not set the HttpOnly flag on session cookies, allowing the cookie to be read by script, which can potentially be used by attackers to obtain the cookie via...


class.userpeer.php in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 uses an insecure method of creating password reset hashes (based only on microtime), which allows an attacker to guess the hash and set the password within a...


_account_move_file_in_folder.ajax.php in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 directly inserts values from the fileIds parameter into a SQL string. This allows an attacker to inject their own SQL and manipulate the query, typically extracting data from the...


_get_all_file_server_paths.ajax.php (aka get_all_file_server_paths.ajax.php) in MFScripts YetiShare 3.5.2 through 4.5.3 does not sanitize or encode the output from the fileIds parameter on the page, which would allow an attacker to input HTML or execute scripts...